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My name is Tyler Down... And I'm a survivor.
~ Tyler Down in Season 3.

Tyler Down is a fictional character mentioned in the novel Thirteen Reasons Why mysterious dubious antagonist through Hannah Baker's dubious perspective in the book as an unreliable narrator. He also plays as a supporting antagonist in the Netflix Adaptation 13 Reasons Why with the same name as the book through season 1, and then an anti-hero in the 2 season, all the way to a main antagonist on the finale episode of the last episode in the second season's finale and then a redeeming supporting character to the third all the way to the fourth season.

In spite of his villainous aspects, especially in the books and the novels inadvertently being part of the reasons for Hannah's troubles, Tyler from the second and third seasons tries to redeem himself in a way.

He is played by Devin Druid.

His Goodness Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • More often than not, he is nice to people and wants to help his friends.
  • He blackmails the least sympathetic antagonists, Marcus and Courtney. He even tricked the former into confessing that Bryce Walker is a rapist, leading to Marcus losing his job as the student body president and getting kicked out of school so that he couldn't do any more harm.
  • While he vandalized the baseball field at school, he was clearly angry and confused and felt remorse for it. He then goes to an anger management session to improve himself.
  • He tells Monty that he is sorry for vandalizing the field and getting the baseball season being cancelled and tells him that he intends to better in the future, which Monty sadly didn't listen to as he instead proceeded to assault and rape Tyler with a mop.
  • He decides not to go through with the school shooting due to Clay's words.
  • He spares Bryce after he reveals he did not have Monty rape him. Even when given the option to kill Bryce, Tyler chooses not to when Bryce gives him permission to shoot him due to his heinous actions.
  • He showed Bryce the video of him explains what Monty did to him, allowing Bryce to threaten Monty away from Tyler.
  • Along with Jessica, he comforted several survivors of rape and sexual abuse.
  • He defeated Monty by telling the police about his assault on him, allowing Monty to be arrested and killed in a prison fight (though this wasn't Tyler's intention), removing him as a threat to anyone else.
  • He covered up Bryce's murder and pinned it on Monty to protect Alex Standall, Jessica, and his friend. He even feels remorse for the deaths of Bryce and Monty despite the former threatening to break Zach's leg a second time and the latter threatening to rape him another time.
  • In the fourth season, he tries to fight against some weapon dealers and even put his life on the line while doing so, allowing the criminals to be taken to jail.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the admirable standards to Clay Jensen, who saved the school from a shooting and redeemed many of the tape subjects. Resources don't help Tyler stand out as he had access to powerful firearms while Clay comes from a regular income family and has a simple handgun.
  • Even after redeeming himself, he still has some jerkish and arrogant moments such as trying to kill Bryce after Monty told him that the former ordered him to anally rape him with a mop. Even though his jerk moments aren't as bad as Clay's rude moments, they are still corrupting and unsubverted.
  • Him turning Hannah and Courtney against each other can be viewed as morally questionable.
  • He stalked Hannah and took several pictures of her without her consent. This also makes him an anti-hero since one of his goals was to date Hannah for selfish reasons, likely due to her popularity.
  • In the second season, he sought to commit a massacre at the Spring Fling Dance after he was brutally beaten and raped by Monty, making him way too lethal to be NPG.
    • Although he feel remorse for this and was prevented from going through with the school shooting by Clay, the hundreds of students he tried to kill had nothing to do with his mistreatment.


  • His Heroic Benchmark status makes sense, as his arch-rival Marcus Cole is a Villainous Benchmark.

External Links[]
