Heroic Benchmark Wiki
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Tubbo, is the deuteragonist of the Minecraft web series Dream SMP.

Being the deuteragonist of Season 1, 2, and 3, and the deuteragonist of season 4. He also serves as one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Ranboo) of the short story Hitting on 16.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • He is mostly kind to people he meets.
  • He was the first to apologize to Tommy after their duel despite the other's extremely hurtful words.
  • He has always been a keeper of peace, trying his best to not start any conflicts.
  • He is very loyal to his friends even if they have hurt him in some way.
  • He forgave Wilbur for blowing up L'manberg.
  • Appointed Tommy as Vice President of L'manberg.
  • Became a spy for Pogtopia.
  • Refused to execute Ranboo despite him being a traitor.
  • Forgave Technoblade for killing him back at the red festival.
  • Showed instant regret for exiling Tommy.
  • Avenged Ranboo's death by locking Awesamdude in prison.
  • Accepted the trade of Connor for Techno's items despite them not being very close.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • Despite having good intentions, Tubbo has put many lives in danger when trying to help them and is often ignorant to other's point of view.
  • His status of being an anti-hero makes him non-viable for near pure good or anything higher.
  • Agreed to Quackity's plan to execute Technoblade.
  • He is often hypocritical as he has criticized Tommy for teaming with Technoblade and yet teamed up with him to go after Awesamdude.
  • He ultimately fails the in-story standards of the Dream SMP. With his most admirable act of "defeating" Dream being completely staged, and all of his other admirable acts being outshined by Tommy, who has done far more admirable acts with similar if not less resources (and even if Dream didn't stage the event, he still fails to stand out due to that act being shared with Tommy).

External Links[]


           Minecrafting Heroic Benchmarks

Video Games
Minecraft: Story Mode: Gabriel the Warrior | Magnus the Rogue | Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer | Emily | Stella | Nurm

Web Animation
Animator vs. Animation: Red's Third Pig | Titan Ravager | Giant Ghast

Web Videos
Dream SMP: Tubbo
