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She's chained up - I've got to get her to the boss' warehouse before this car goes up in smoke!
~ The player going to save the boss' daughter by driving to the boss' warehouse to defuse the bomb that the kidnapper triggered.

Travis is the main protagonist of Apex Designs' 2001 Grand Theft Auto clone, Payback and its 2012 sequel, Payback 2.

In Payback 1, they are a male but in Payback 2, their appearance is dependent upon the player's choice and can change their gender, race, physique, clothes, etc.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • In Payback 1, he killed 5 Ku Klux Klan members and stopped their meeting in central park.
  • He protected Kyle in a gunfight from two rival henchmen by killing them.
  • He killed someone who was following and spying on Ike with a shotgun while Ike was unarmed.
  • He rescued Kyle's younger brother from two kidnappers by killing them.
  • While he did escape Corona City Prison, it was to rescue the boss' daughter from a kidnapper as the boss stated he helped him escape prison for that.
  • He got the boss' daughter back to her father from another kidnapper by paying him a ransom.
    • In the alternate ending, he does the same thing as above but he risked his life to rescue the boss' daughter when she was chained up and the bomb in the car was going to explode and kill her, making it by far the most admirable thing that he has done.
  • Although he failed to help Harry, he made up for it by killing the perpetrator who blew up Harry's garage with Harry still inside to avenge Harry's death.
  • He protected his boss from 2 assassination attempts by killing 6 assassins.
    • He also looked after his boss' older brother Nick in one of the assassination attempt missions when he was assigned as his partner when the boss told him to look after Nick.
  • He destroys a drug dealer's drug shipment.
  • He stops his rivals who just robbed a bank.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out[]

  • Despite passing the general baseline, he fails the admirable standards to the boss as all of his heroic deeds were under the boss' orders, meaning he can't stand out from him.
  • Since he talks rarely and doesn't show much characterization and personality, he is insufficiently characterized.
  • He is an anti-hero as he stops bank robbers and drug dealers to steal their money and remain the sole supplier. Though every other heroic thing he does seems to be genuinely heroic.
  • He is a hero by proxy as his escape of Corona City Prison wasn't for intentions to rescue the boss' daughter as he didn't know about it during his escape. However, everything other heroic thing he did was done intentionally.
  • He is lethal as throughout the whole story mode, he has killed around 40 people and even killed some unarmed people as well. Almost all of his heroic acts involved at least one person being killed by him.
  • He is on & off as he does villainous deeds too, such as blowing up a residents' apartment block for not paying their protection money.
    • This also gives him a neutral alignment instead of a good one as he is mostly played as a villain protagonist with a few heroic deeds.
  • He has moments where he could be a misanthrope, doing rampages on people in general such as:
    • Stealing a tank from a military base to kill people and destroy cars.
    • Using explosive RC cars to destroy other cars and kill the people in them.
    • Throwing grenades of off a building onto cars below and killing the people in them.
  • Despite the insufficient characterization, he has a little bit of characterization where he is portrayed as a jerk whenever he steals a car and harshly tells the driver of that car to get out and sometimes saying "Nice car, I'll take it!" and "Thanks for the car!" just to taunt them.
  • He is an extremist as he gets rid of the Klansmen and stops their meeting via mass killing. Plus the Klansmen were unarmed, meaning he could've confronted them non-violently.
    • He also blew up the kidnappers' hotel door with explosives when he was going to rescue Kyle's younger brother from the kidnappers.


  • He, the boss and the police are the only characters from the Payback series who have done at least one heroic thing (Travis doing all the heroic acts listed above, the boss giving Travis these heroic missions to do and the police who have tried to stop Travis when he is doing his crimes). The Kidnapper doesn't count as his "heroism" is more of a honorable redemption rather than a heroic act.
    • Though, none of them are able to be PG nor NPG as the boss has more or less corrupting qualities as Travis and the police are an organization and also have corrupting qualities like extremism and incompetence.
  • His allies named Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Stan and Ike are named after characters from South Park (though they don't really have anything similar with their South Park counterparts besides their names)
    • Similarly, Travis is more or less on the same moral level as the Cartman from South Park, meaning Travis is one of the least heroic heroes.
  • Ironically, he saved the boss' daughter, yet he was the one who killed her mother with an explosive RC car.

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