Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Smolder is a supporting character in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, appearing in season 8-9.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • While she starts out as very jerkish and antisocial, she eventually warms up to the idea of friendship and gets less jerkish as the series progresses.
  • Takes part in Twilights play about Princess Celestia.
  • Works with her friends to help rescue Rainbow Dash and Applejack when they are trapped over a ravine.
  • Agreed to stay at the school with Gallus over winter break so he wouldn’t get lonely.
  • Helps Ocellus overcome her fears in what lies beneath.
  • Helps remove the artifacts which saved Starlight and released out all the magic Cozy Glow had stolen, and saved the school of friendship from her.
  • Exposed Cozy Glow for her crimes.
  • She and her friends built a treehouse which was initially small but then grew bigger with magic which revived the spirit of the tree of harmony.
  • In Sweet and Smoky, she takes time off school to visit her brother Garble since he was feeling lonely without her.
  • Calls Garble out for picking on Spike.
  • Rallies up her fellow dragons to help fight back against Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • While her actions pass the general baseline, they are shared with her friends and thus don't stand out next to the high admirable standards of the series.
  • She still has some jerkish moments such as when she rudely says to Sandbar, “That’s your version of a bad dream?”

External Links[]


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Friendship is Magic
Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo) | Gallus | Smolder

Equestria Girls

My Little Pony: The Movie: Queen Novo
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Queen Haven
