Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Smiley Sundae is one of the deuteragonists and the love interest of Phil Eggtree in the Riddle School series.

She is shown to be a very kind and optimistic person who is known as the only one in her school to actually enjoy learning. She is seen supporting Phil.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Good Deeds[]

  • She is a very kind and caring person, with her viewing bad situations in an optimistic light.
  • Supplied Phil with her hairspray to help them escape Zone 5.1.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • Although she certainly has the personality of a Pure Good hero. She ultimately fails the admirable standards of the Riddle School series by a large margin, with Phil saving the world twice, once on his own the other with the help of Quiz, along with him rescuing them from imprisonment twice and preventing Quiz from taking over the world by rescuing Diz, all with similar resources.

External Links[]
