Heroic Benchmark Wiki
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Try weeks! Went to check on you and found your house fulla body parts! Yer up to something sick... you and that wife!
~ The Sheriff accuses Buck Crosshaw of being a murderer.
Let him through, boys. Then get in there and clean up this mess.
~ The Sheriff lets Buck Crosshaw leave the resting place.

The "Sheriff" is a recurring supporting character of the video game "Six Guns." The Sheriff first appears on the mission "Revenge Served Hot" when Buck Crosshaw helps him in defeating the Outlaws that are hiding at "Prosperided." The Sheriff later accuses Buck Crosshaw of being a murderer due to finding body parts at the latter's house.

His Good Zone[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • He and Buck Crosshaw kill the Outlaws that were lurking on Prosperidad.
  • Alerting Buck Crosshaw of a fire that is happening at "Williamson Ranch."
  • Teamed up with Buck Crosshaw to protect Socorro Town from a gang of Outlaws wanting to rain the town.
  • Pardoned Buck Crosshaw for his help of defending Socorro Town.
  • Arrested Buck Crosshaw to stop him from attacking the civilians of Socorro Town.
  • He and his crew clean up the mess made at the resting place.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out[]

  • While he manages to pass the general standards by battling and killing the hostile Outlaws, he fails the in-story standards to Buck Crosshaw and the Witch Hunter who actively fight the supernatural forces to defend the world.
  • He prepared to kill Buck Crosshaw without giving the latter a chance to explain himself.

External Links[]
