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Hanzo Hasashi, better known as Scorpion, is one of the main protagonists of the Mortal Kombat franchise. He is the mascot of NetherRealm Studios.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

In General[]

  • He genuinely cares about his wife and son and was saddened and traumatized by their death.

Original Timeline[]

  • After discovering he killed his family and clan, he turned against Quan Chi.
  • In his non-canon MK:D ending, he defeats Onaga so he can stop the menace once and for all.
  • In his non-canon MK:A ending, he defeats Blaze and gains his powers so he can resurrected his family and clan and after Quan Chi took his son, Scorpion and his wife order his clan to go after him and never gave up until his son has been recovered and Quan Chi is dead.

New Era[]

  • When the Lin Kuei grandmaster Bi-Han, the Lin Kuei members and Titan Quan Chi invaded his home, he rushed in to drive them out of his family home, to try and save Harumi, while also protecting Satoshi.
  • After the Armageddon battle, after discovering his son Satoshi faked his death, he redeems himself and starts shedding tears because of their reunion.
  • He joins the Forces of Light to assist Liu Kang on destroying the Forces of Darkness.
  • He wants to avenge the death of his wife by the hands of Bi-Han and Titan Quan Chi.
  • While he was a full-on anti-hero at the start of his redemption, he later he subverted all of these qualities and instead, understood how the desire of vengeance can corrupt you, thus transforming him from a selfish vigilante to a true protector of Earthrealm.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the admirable standards to other heroes too much, such as Liu Kang, Kitana, Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, and Cassie Cage.

Original Timeline[]

  • He is an anti-hero and an extremist as he used questionable methods such as trying to kill Taven and tried to banish the Elder Gods, even sending Taven to the Netherrealm.
  • He is a berserker and way too lethal towards his enemies.
  • He is on & off as he still does villainous deeds after his redemption.
  • He is at times an egomaniac.

New Era[]

  • His redemption and his heroic acts on helping Liu Kang defeat the Forces of Darkness and trying to avenge his wife's death relies on Fridge Brilliance.
  • His actions usually rely on "Save the world" and "Defeat the villains" heroism, making him bog-standard.
  • Despite subverting his violent traits, he is still lethal in combat.

External Links[]
