Rupert Giles is a major character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He is a member of the watcher's council who acts as a father figure to Buffy and trains her on how to fight vampires and other demonic threats in Sunnydale.
His Good Ranking[]
His Heroic Deeds[]
- Reversed the spell Amy's mother did to swap their bodies.
- Comforted Buffy after she had to sacrifice a relationship with Owen because of her mission.
- Tried to trap Moloch back in the book he had escaped from.
- Tried to take Buffy's place in her fight against the master to save her life.
- Reversed the spell his former friend Ethan Rayne had put on the town to make everyone become their Halloween costume.
- Consoled Buffy when she struggled with her old friend Ford becoming evil.
- Forgave Jenny Calendar for spying on him and his friends.
- Comforted Buffy after Angel lost his soul and became evil.
- Stopped the school janitor from killing himself while posessed.
- Refused to tell Angelus how to send the world to Hell despite the torture he was put through.
- Tried to find Buffy after she fled and attempted to console Joyce when he mistakenly belived she was blaming herself..
- Forced Principal Snyder to let Buffy back into school after he unfairly expelled her.
- Helped Buffy save Angel from the first despite the fact he had killed his girlfriend and tortured him when he lost his soul.
- Tried to convince Balthazar to let Wesley go when they were both captured by him.
- Enlisted the help of a demon to trick The Mayor and Faith into thinking Angel's soul had been removed to gather information on their plans.
- Comforts Buffy when Angel breaks up with her.
- Blew up Sunnydale High and killed The Mayor.
- Performed a ritual to restore Buffy's soul when Kathy tried to steal it.
- Rescued Buffy and her friends from a haunted house.
- Despite disagreeing with Angel's decision to keep his return to Sunnydale secret from Buffy he reluctantly respected his wishes.
- Tried to convince Spike that he could use being chipped as as an opportunity to embrace his chance to do good and urged him to leave town for his own good when the initiative were looking for him.
- Tried to comfort Buffy and assure her the death of the boy Adam killed wasn't her fault.
- Tried to find Faith after she got out of hospital so she could be apprehended and stopped from hurting innocent people.
- Created a distraction for the police in order to allow Buffy to sneak into church and rescue hostages from vampires.
- Helped perform the enjoining spell that allowed Buffy to stop Adam.
- Forgave Spike for betraying the group by plotting against them with Adam.
- Protected Tara McClay from her abusive family.
- Accepted Dawn after learning the monks implanted false memories of her into him and helps fight Glory to protect her.
- Comforted Buffy after her mother's death.
- Consoles Willow after she has an argument with Tara.
- Tried to stop Willow after she became a villain and sympathized with her over Tara's death.
- Forgave Willow immediately for her crimes and helped her recover from her magic addiction.
Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]
- Fails the admirable standards to Xander who has done more with less resources.
- He sometimes insults Xander with no provocation.
- Though he was reluctant he went along with the watcher council's orders to poison Buffy.
- Plotted to kill Spike behind Buffy's back.
- Tortures one of Glory's minions.
- Killed Glory's host Ben in order to stop her from returning and continuing to be a threat to humanity.
- Refuses to help Angel save Fred because of Angel's association with Wolfram and Hart.
External Links[]
- Rupert Giles on the Heroes Wiki
- Rupert Giles on the Buffyverse Wiki