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Red McArthur is one of the main protagonists on the animated television series Red And Friends. She is one of the main characters along with Millie Larsen, Shauna Krawly and Aubrey Iverson. She is shown to be the more intelligent of the group and a bit of a know-it-all, but she still gets in trouble sometimes for being too smart. Red is an elementary school student who lives in South Park with her dysfunctional family, her father Skeeter McArthur and her mother Moira McArthur, and her siblings Stewart McArthur, William McArthur (died in 2007), Nelly McArthur, and Lola McArthur (died in 2019). Red and her family are shown to be the only atheist family in South Park. Red is shown to not believe in god because she thinks that gods do not exist and that they have no evidence of their existence. This doesn't stop her from praying though. Red is also shown to get very competitive when it comes to sports, especially basketball, where she will try to beat anyone. Red is more mature than her age would suggest as she can often take care of herself and has even saved people's lives by performing CPR or using a defibrillator.