Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Professor Gerald Robotnik is a major character in Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • 50 years ago, he was a respected researcher consider by many as one of the best scientist minds in the world.
  • He created Shadow, the Ultimate Lifeform in hopes of curing his granddaughter's illness.
  • When the Chaotix revealed the video, it was his intention to wipe the Black Arms with the Eclipse Cannon for the atonement for collaborating with him.
  • He does care for Shadow the hedgehog as he calls and view him as his "son" and told him to defeat the Black Comet.
  • In Sonic x Shadow: Generations he helps Shadow against Black Doom.
  • He does care for his granddaughter Maria as her death is the reason why he wants to wipe out humanity as he wants to avenge her death.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the high admirable standards to Shadow and Sage as despite having more resources he manages to be less heroic than them. He also fails to Maria, who has such a positive impact on Shadow and the fact that she was the driving force of Shadow's morale.
  • The death of his granddaughter leaded him to become a villain who programmed the Space Colony ARK to crash the Earth with the intent to destroy the planet and reprogrammed Shadow's mind to make him think that Maria wanted to destroy the planet rather than save it.


  • His counterparts from Sonic X and from the Sonic Cinematic Universe don't qualify as they're never heroic to begin with.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Heroic Benchmarks

Team Dark
Rouge the Bat

Team Rose
Big the Cat

Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile

Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Wave the Swallow

E-102 Gamma | Professor Gerald Robotnik

Sonic Prime
Knuckles the Dread | Black Rose

Paramount Films
Longclaw | Wade Whipple
