Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Princess Zelda is the main heroine of the very first game in The Legend of Zelda series, despite sharing a name, she and the Zelda from The Adventure of Link are not the same person.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • Breaks up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight pieces and prevents Ganon from obtaining it.
  • Sends out Impa to find a man courageous enough to defeat Ganon meaning she is indirectly responsible for Link defeating Ganon.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • Although she does cross the goodness zone and has no corrupting qualities, she still fails the massive admirable standards of The Legend of Zelda series.

External Links[]


           The Legend of Zelda Logo Heroic Benchmarks

Incarnations of Princess Zelda
The Minish Cap | Four Swords | Era of Light and Dark | Hyrule Fantasy | The Adventure of Link | Four Sword Adventures

Incarnations of Impa
Ocarina of Time | Era of Light and Dark | A Link Between Worlds | Era of Decline | Era of the Wilds | Echoes of Wisdom

Darunia | Harth | Hestu | King Rhoam | Makar | Marin | Medli | Princess Ruto | Queen Sonia | Rauru | Saria | King Dorephan

King Harkinian

See Also
Nintendo Heroic Benchmarks
