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I was planning on punching the both of you! 'cause I'm not too smart, you know?
~ Okuyasu Nijimura

Okuyasu Nijimura is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Koichi Hirose) of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable.

He is Keicho Nijimura's younger brother, and later became a close friend of Josuke Higashikata. He is the arch-nemesis of Akira Otoishi, who killed his brother to rob the stand arrow. Okuyasu wields a stand called The Hand, with a powerful ability to erase the space.

Okuyasu Nijimura is voiced by Wataru Takagi in Japanese and Jalen K. Cassell in English.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • Despite initially acted as the partner-in-crime of his older brother Keicho Nijimura, he redeemed himself after his brother died and became a close friend to Josuke.
  • He and Josuke do their best to help Koichi break free from Tamami Kobayashi's grip on his soul when he used his Stand, The Lock, to guilt trip him.
  • Although he was jealous of Koichi for talking to Yukako Yamagishi, he instead felt bad for Koichi when he and Josuke witnessed a glimpse of her obsessive and dangerous side.
  • When he witnesses Yukako use her Stand known as Love Deluxe to set a girl's hair on fire and bind her tongue for merely talking to Koichi (a student that constantly berated him), Okuyasu rushes into the scene and uses The Hand to save her life by scraping away any remnants of Yukako's hair and fire within the girls scalp (Though this would result with the girl having a bald spot that was probably permanent)
  • He and Josuke create false rumors about Koichi in hopes of straying Yukako away from him, though this backfires and results with her kidnapping Koichi instead.
  • When Koichi informs Josuke and Okuyasu of his location, the duo rush to save Koichi from Yukako, only to find him come out victorious instead.
  • He fought against Red Hot Chili Pepper revenge his brother with nearly success, only defeated for Red Hot Chili Pepper absorbing all the electricity in Morioh.
  • When Akira Otoishi attempts to kill Joseph on the ship, he punched him on the face and successfully stopped him.
  • He and Josuke come to Koichi's aid when he was kidnapped by Rohan Kishibe.
  • When Shigechi decided to own their tickets and attack him and Josuke by The Harvester, Okuyasu helped Josuke fight against him.
  • When he hears of Koichi and Yukako making amends, he is jealous at first until he sees that they both love each other for real this time. And he offered to help Koichi out if things were to go south between the two of them.
  • When Josuke healed Jotaro and Koichi of their fatal wounds, Okuyasu used the Hand to pull Sheer Heart Attack away from them.
  • When Josuke tried to heal Aya Tsuji of her fatal wounds inflicted by Yoshikage Kira, Okuyasu used The Hand to pull Josuke and Koichi back as he realized that Josuke was too late to save her, for she was already made into a bomb.
  • As Josuke was trapped in the tower by Toyohiro Kanedaichi, he helped Josuke in defeating him.
  • When he and Josuke finally confronted Yoshikage Kira, he helps Josuke away from Killer Queen's stand, nearly sacrificing himself in the progress.
  • He saved Josuke's life by erasing Stray Cat's explosive bubble, and then pulls Stray Cat out of Killer Queen, so Kira cannot shoot explosive bubble again.
  • After Kira is killed off and sent to his eternal damnation, he and the others bid farewell to Reimi Sugimoto and Arnold as they ascend to Heaven.
  • He adopted Stray Cat once everything went
  • back to normal.
  • He asked Rohan to try and use Heaven's Door so that he could cure his father of his deformity that was forced upon him by DIO's flesh bud activating after his death, though he unfortunately refused. Though it most likely may not have worked anyways, as Rohan told Yukako that Heaven's Door doesn't the ability to heal.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He holds back on his resources too much to pass the JoJo franchise's high admirable standard:
    • The Hand is arguably one of the most powerful stands in Diamond is Unbreakable, with the ability to erase space, which could cause severe damage to his enemies. However, he only knows to use this ability to teleport, and even then he doesn't use it well.
    • As such, he massively fails the admirable standard to Koichi Hirose, who played a pivotal part in Kira's defeat with a much weaker stand; and Hayato Kawajiri, a 11-year-old boy with no stand at all, who saved Josuke and all his allies from Bite the Dust.
  • He is very incompetent, often causing himself and allies in serious troubles:
    • During his battle against Red Chill Hot Pepper, Okuyasu is filled with blind rage and recklessly erased the ground, exposing the underground cable. This act caused Red Chill Hot Pepper fully recharged and easily defeated Okuyasu, and would had him killed If Josuke didn't save him.
    • As Yoshihiro Kira pretended to have escaped from the photo, he was easily tricked and immediately opened the photo to check, causing Yoshihiro to flew away.
    • When Yoshihiro was flying away with the Stand Arrow, Okuyasu didn't even use The Hand to erase space to drag him back, even if his Stand ability could easily do so.
    • Unlike Koichi, who was incompetent at first but gradually became very reliable as the story progresses, Okuyasu's incompetence is never subverted.
  • He constantly acts like a jerk, such as mocking Shigechi for money, and attempted to punch both of the SPW worker on the ship. Though this is pretty minor, as he was trying to find out which one was Akira in disguise, yet his stupidity got in the way.

External Links[]


           JoJo's Bizarre AdventureTitle Heroic Benchmarks

Phantom Blood
Erina Pendleton | Poco | Dire | Straizo

Battle Tendency
George Joestar II | Mario Zeppeli

Stardust Crusaders

Diamond is Unbreakable
Okuyasu Nijimura | Shigekiyo Yangu | Yuya Fungami | Tonio Trussardi

Vento Aureo
Guido Mista | Narancia Ghirga | Pannacotta Fugo | Trish Una

Stone Ocean
Ermes Costello

Steel Ball Run
Mountain Tim | Wekapipo | Steven Steel | Hot Pants

Joshu Higashikata
