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The unnamed mother of Moxxie is a minor character in the adult comedy we series Helluva Boss. She was a caring woman and the wife of Crimson who ended up tossed in the lake for trying to save him.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • Unlike her husband, she seems to have genuinely cared for Moxxie, generally being a nice mother to him.
  • She stopped Crimson from forcing Moxxie to shoot an imp and took him home.
  • Even after her presumed death, Moxxie's mother still continues to impact him today, making him arguably the most moral member of I.M.P.
  • While she doesn't speak, it's pretty clear she was an incredibly caring woman who deeply loved Moxxie, preventing her from having insufficient characterization.
  • Unlike most characters in the Hellaverse, she has zero corrupting qualities and is simply a kind and caring mother.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • Most of her heroism is simply being a good mother, with her only actually heroic deed being saving one person, causing her to fail the high admirable standards of the Hellaverse.


  • It's speculated Crimson may not have an actually killed her and she's hiding somewhere. If this was confirmed to be true and she made a return, she could hypothetically become more admirable.

External Links[]
