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May I present to you Andrias Leviathan, Lord of Amphibia, peacekeeper of a thousand years, and the first of his name.
~ Lady Olivia introducing King Andrias.
I'm a descendant of a long line of newts who made a sacred vow to care of this land. The trees, the plants, the animals... All are under our care.
~ Lady Olivia talking to Marcy in the hospital.

Lady Olivia is a supporting protagonist of the animated Disney XD series Amphibia. She is King Andrias' former advisor, General Yunan's wife, and a current newt dignitary of Amphibia's government alongside her wife and Captain Grime. She is devoted to her family's vow of protecting Amphibia's environment, which causes her and Yunan to turn on Andrias and help stop his and the Core's invasion of Earth.

She is voiced by Michelle Dockery.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • In general, she is dedicated to protecting her family's sacred vow and is very welcoming of visitors, trying her best to remain polite regardless of the situation.
  • When she was a child and Lady Vivian served as Andrias' advisor, she befriended a Moss Man residing in the Newtopia Castle's basement.
  • When she met Marcy, she signed her cast with Yunan and Andrias.
  • She introduced Marcy to Andrias, playing a role in starting their friendship.
  • Although exasperated by Sprig's antics when she first met him, she still wished him and everyone else a good stay in Newtopia.
  • She revealed a safe exit to Anne and Marcy while they were escaping the toad guards during the rebellion, and went with the latter to free a captured Andrias from prison.
  • She turned on Andrias once he expressed his (or rather, the Core's) true intentions and tried to escape with Yunan, expressing shock at his stabbing Marcy and later putting her in a rejuvenation tank on Andrias' orders.
  • She helped Yunan save Marcy and fought with them against the Core's illusions, protesting in an attempt to stop Andrias from connecting the human girl to the Core.
  • She, along with Yunan, tried to warn Anne and Sasha about the Core.
  • She helped stop the Core's invasion of Earth, infiltrating the castle with Yunan, Sasha, and Grime and staying with the general to fight off the Cloak-Bots and buy the latter two enough time to free Marcy.
  • She expressed sadness at Anne's death and happiness at her revival afterward.
  • When the Calamity girls left Amphibia at the end, she and Yunan hugged Marcy and said goodbye to her, with Olivia even telling Marcy not to be too hard on herself for her selfish actions.
  • She marries Yunan and becomes a dignitary for Amphibia's new government alongside her wife and Grime, planning to start a new life, settle down, and have children in Wartwood.

Why Doesn't She Stand Out?[]

  • She fails the Admirable Standard to the following heroes:
    • Anne Boonchuy, who stood up for the citizens of Wartwood against the toads of South Toad Tower, forgave her friends, defeated and pitied King Andrias on Earth, and saved Amphibia by destroying the Core at the cost of her life.
    • Sasha Waybright, who helped Grime become a better person, tried to sacrifice herself to save Anne, co-founded the Wartwood Resistance with Grime, freed Marcy from the Core, and helped defeat the evil mind hive.
    • Marcy Wu, who did many heroic deeds in Newtopia, saved Sprig from falling to his death, teleported Anne and the Plantars to Earth to help them escape from Andrias, rejected the Core's offer, and helped stop the Core.
    • Captain Grime, who helped Sasha become a better leader and person and saved her from falling to her death, co-founded the Wartwood Resistance with his first lieutenant, and saved Sasha from the Core at the cost of his left arm.
    • Sprig Plantar, who helped Anne numerous times and brought out the best in her with the rest of his family, stood up to the South Toad Tower toads with Anne, and played a major role in Andrias' redemption by reading him Leif's letter.
    • Hop Pop Plantar, who helped Anne become a better person, saved his family and the rest of the Wartwood citizens from Apothecary Gary's mind control, and stood up to the Hasselback Gang to protect the Bitties.
    • Polly Plantar, who also helped Anne become a better person, defeated Teddy and Martha to save her family, tried to give Anne the Calamity Box, and fixed and upgraded Frobo.
    • Leif/Lily Plantar, who stopped the Core's invasions for 1,000 years by hiding the Calamity Box on Earth, brought out the best in Andrias, and played a posthumous role in his redemption by writing him a letter that her descendant Sprig would read to him many years later.
  • She can be quite aggressive in enforcing proper castle etiquette, like when she beats down Anne, Marcy, Polly, and Sprig in "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers" when they cause havoc in some rooms.

External Links[]


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Baljeet Tjinder

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Commander Cody | C-3PO

DuckTales (2017)
Violet Saberwing | May and June

101 Dalmatian Street

Lady Olivia

Marvel Studios

See Also
20th Century Studios Heroic Benchmarks | Blue Sky Heroic Benchmarks | Encanto Heroic Benchmarks | Ice Age Heroic Benchmarks | Marvel Cinematic Universe Heroic Benchmarks | Pixar Heroic Benchmarks | Star Wars Heroic Benchmarks
