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James Wilson is a major character in the medical drama House. He is a kind-hearted doctor and the only friend of Gregory House. Despite House often taking advantage of and exploiting him, Wilson always does his best to help him and there is a deep bond between them.
His Good Ranking[]
His Heroic Deeds[]
- Emotionally supported House after he and Stacy Warner separated.
- Manipulated House into treating Rebecca Adler by telling him she was his cousin.
- Convinces House to take the case of a homeless woman after seeing Foreman trying to hurry her out.
- Planned with Cuddy to try to get House off vicodin.
- Voted in favor of Carly Forlano gettting a transplant despite suspecting House was lying about her being in good health.
- Voted against firing House when Edward Vogler tried to do so.
- Tried to convince House he should treat Mark Warner when Stacy asked him to.
- Gets House to take young cancer patient Andie's case to prolong her life for another year and comforts her and her family when he tells them she's dying.
- Comforts Cameron when he thinks she feels guilty about cheating on her husband.
- Tried to discourage House from his attempts to sabotage Stacy and Mark's relationship.
- Tried to help his maid after his wife fired her by paying her to clean House's apartment.
- Comforted Cuddy after House told her she'd be an awful mother.
- Betrayed House to Michael Tritter but only so he would be sent to rehab instead of prison.
- Used House's team to get prescriptions for his patients after Tritter interfered with his ability to prescribe medicine.
- Comforts Foreman after he accidentally kills a patient.
- When a patient he misdiagnosed wasted money due to thinking they were dying he tried to make up for it by giving him a considerable amount of money.
- Tried to save his girlfriend Amber after she was in a crash.
- Got House to attend his father's funeral for his mother's sake.
- Gave Cuddy a good adoption reference.
- Tried to encourage House to act on his feelings for Cuddy.
- Supported Cuddy when she had doubts about adopting her baby.
- Tried to support House after Kutner's suicide.
- Helps House when he begins seeing hallucinations of Amber.
- Took House to rehab.
- Let House live with him after he got out of rehab.
- Euthanized a patient.
- Gave up a part of his own liver to save a patient.
- Adopted a neigubour's cat after they died.
- Encouraged House to support Cuddy during her cancer scare.
- Tried to emotionally support House after Cuddy broke up with him and tried to convince her to give him another chance.
- Bribed House into stopping his attempts to get Park fired.
- Talked Foreman out of sending House to prison after he violated his parole to diagnose a dead boy.
- Thanks to a bet with House he discovers a patient's asexuality is the result of a tumour and saves the man's life.
- Tried to help House and Dominika fool the immigration authorities into thinking they were a happily married couple.
- Convinced House to see his mother when he thought she had cancer.
- Stayed with an elderly senile woman even though it meant him not getting to Cleveland like he planned.
- Offered to take the chemotherapy treatment for House's sake.
Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]
- He fails the admirable standards to House who does more with similar resources.
- He has a history of infidelity towards his wives.
- Violated his professional ethics by having an affair with a cancer patient.
- Kidnapped House and forced him attend his father's funeral.
- Forced House to join him on his trip after he learned about his cancer by threatening to drug him.
External Links[]
- James Wilson on the Heroes Wiki
- James Wilson on the House Wiki