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Isabela Keyes is a major character of the Dead Rising series. She is the secondary antagonist-turned-deuteragonist in Dead Rising, a supporting protagonist in Dead Rising 2: Case West and the overarching antagonist in Dead Rising 3. She is the sister of Carlito Keyes.

During the events of the first game, Isabela reformed and aided Frank West in stopping her brother's plot. Over time, she helped develop Zombrex, which helped zombie infectees delay the process. However, her intentions are once again suspicious around the time in the third game, it was revealed that she is the instigator of the plot.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Good deeds[]

Dead Rising 1[]

  • After being defeated she became friendly and kept the promise about meeting Frank with Carlito, although it backfired for her.
  • Even if failed, she tried to rescue Jessica's life from being infected as she checked for her wounds.
  • She worn others about Carlito's plan and has guided Frank and Brad to stop them.
  • She helped Frank find Carlito's hideout in order to find more useful information in order to stop the Outbreak.
  • Cried for her brother and pitied her parents along with other people that were unfairly killed.
  • Rescued Frank from zombies when he collapsed on the ground due to fear that he cannot survive.
  • Developed Zombrex in order to stop Frank's infection.

Dead Rising 2[]

  • Led Frank and Chuck to find Phenotrans and Dr.Mallon, where she reveals that she plans to create cure in order to save everyone from zombies once and for all.
  • Rescued frank and Chuck from being killed by Mallon's security guards.

Dead Rising 4[]

  • Planned to expose Dr. Barnaby for his crimes in Santa Cabeza and US plans to cover it-up.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • While she did help stop Outbreak, she still fails standards to Brad Garrison, Jessica McCarney, Chuck Greene and Frank West, who saved many others, attempted to redeem other villains and sacrifice themselves for Frank West to save.
  • In Dead Rising 3 she completely takes a turn and becomes a villain who's morals have fallen so hard only good left in her is affability and care for her hometown, still saddened how her people died.

External Links[]
