Heroic Benchmark Wiki
Anime Heroic Benchmarks
Cartoon Heroic Benchmarks
Live Action Heroic Benchmarks
Video Game Heroic Benchmarks

Anime Heroic Benchmarks

Heroic Benchmarks from anime.

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Cartoon Heroic Benchmarks

Heroic Benchmarks from cartoons.

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Live Action Heroic Benchmarks

Heroic Benchmarks from live action movies and television shows.

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Video Game Heroic Benchmarks

Heroic Benchmarks from video games.

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Anime Heroic Benchmarks
Cartoon Heroic Benchmarks
Live Action Heroic Benchmarks
Video Game Heroic Benchmarks

This wiki is for heroes who don't do enough to pass the admirable standards to qualify to be Pure Good, Near Pure Good, or even Inconsistently Admirable but help set the standard for what heroes need to pass in order to qualify in that given universe. As such, these heroes serve as a benchmark for what heroes need to pass in order to qualify here. Don't be fooled, however. Just because these heroes aren't considered the best of the best doesn't mean that they aren't good. Despite not meeting the standards to go past the most admirable, that doesn't mean that they aren't still noble.

Its evil counterpart is the Villainous Benchmark Wiki

Lightning McQueen Cars on the Road

Montgomery "Lightning" McQueen is the main protagonist of Pixar's Cars franchise. In the films, he is voiced by Owen Wilson. In the show and video games, he is voiced by Keith Ferguson.

To Vote for next month's Heroic Benchmark For Headline, go to HBFH

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T8dub T8dub 9 July

How can i put a villains wiki link into the infobox to show the link on a new tab when you click it i tried that but i need help

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Mr.Grey22705 Mr.Grey22705 27 July 2023

Pages For People I Know

In Order (by creation date)

Cole Aris

  1. Cole Aris (John Tamzarain)

Michael Ciganek

  1. Michael Ciganek (Friday the 13th: The Resu…
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