Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Gallus is a supporting character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, serving as a main character in seasons 8 and 9.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • While he did start out as jerkish and misanthropic character, and was bitter towards the idea of friendship, he becomes a nicer character throughout the 2 episodes and even begs grandpa gruff to let him re-enroll at the school.
  • Takes place in Twilights play about Celestia.
  • Him and Silverstream save Rainbow Dash and Applejack from falling into the river.
  • Helps Silverstream get over her fear of the storm king.
  • After they were released by the Tree of Harmony, he and his friends manage to remove the artifacts which release Starlight Glimmer and all of the magic Cozy Glow has drained, thus saving the School of Friendship from being taken over by Cozy Glow and later exposing her true nature and crimes throughout Equestria.
  • Gallus and the rest of the Young Six work together with Starlight Glimmer and Trixie to evacuate the School of Friendship while Cozy Glow, Queen Chrysalis, and Lord Tirek are on the loose.
  • He gathered up all the Griffons to help fight back against Chrysalis, Cozy and Tirek.
  • In the last problem he has become one of Twilights royal guards.

Why He Doesn’t Stand Out?[]

  • While he does pass the baseline, he fails the system standards due to his actions being shared with the rest of the young six.
  • He can be mildly arrogant as he refuses to admit he even pays attention in class. It is shown in a matter of principals when Silverstream realises he does pay attention, he forces her to keep quiet about it.
  • He can sometimes be a bit of an insensitive jerk to his friends, although this is a fairly minor prevention since he grew up surrounded by other Griffons who are always constant jerks to each other.
  • He can lose his temper quite easily.
  • He can be mischievous. In A Rockhoof and a Hard Place, he tries to use the opportunity of having a substitute teacher as a way to get out of a homework assignment.

External Links[]


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Friendship is Magic
Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo) | Gallus | Smolder

Equestria Girls

My Little Pony: The Movie: Queen Novo
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Queen Haven
