Heroic Benchmark Wiki
NOTE: This article is only about his heroic deeds in the book series, as his Dog Man: Mission Impawsible and film counterparts do not do anything heroic.

Flippy Bailey, also known as The Mysterious Stranger, is a supporting character in Dav Pilkey's Dog Man book series and the main protagonist of its spin-off series, Cat Kid Comic Club.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

In General[]

  • Despite being a villain in the second and third Dog Man books, Flippy's main crimes were usually bog-standard theft and kill-the-hero villainy, with his only truly heinous crime, trying to posses Chief, falls under fridge horror since it's unclear what would happen to Chief's soul afterwards. Plus, he ends up redeeming himself in the end of the third book and tries to be a good person afterwards, showing he is a better hero than villain.

Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties[]

  • He ultimately redeems himself and immediately befriends Li'l Petey.
  • He understood his fate of being arrested to Fish Jail, knowing he desperately deserved it.

Dog Man: Fetch-22[]

  • After hearing the Fair Fairy and her army had tried to destroy the city, Flippy immediately steps up to aid Dog Man and his friends to defeat them.
  • He feels bad for the left out baby tadpoles who don't have a mother or father and he, along with Molly, help the tadpoles, and Flippy eventually adopts all of them, including Molly.

Dog Man: Grime and Punishment[]

  • He is shown teaching his kids singlehandedly, showing that he truly cares for them.
  • He saves Dog Man and his friends from the wrath of Crud.

Cat Kid Comic Club series[]

  • Throughout the series he desperately shows that he indeed loves his kids, being protective of them and wishing for them to be great adults, even after their... annoying traits. Plus, he easily can find out when he is being too harsh on them and lets them be mildly annoying.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He ultimately fails the admirable standard of the series. While it's unfair to compare him to the likes of Dog Man, Petey, and Li'l Petey, who have more resources, he ultimately fails to Chief and Sarah Hatoff who are just regular human beings while Flippy himself has telekinesis.
  • He can be too much of a jerk and control freak to his children and be a little too overprotective, which is too corrupting for Pure Good or Near Pure Good.

External Links[]


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Officer Knight (Film) Greg the Dog (Film)

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Seamus

Cat Kid Comic Club
The Baby Frogs
Molly | Naomi | Melvin the Frog | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroic Benchmarks
