Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Yeah, and then you decide to come back here just so you can beat me in the Battle of the Bands. I want this, Twilight, and you're trying to take it from me! Some friend.
~ Flash Sentry

Flash Sentry is a supporting character in My Little Pony Equestria Girls franchise. He is Princess Twilight Sparkle's ex-love interest and Sunset Shimmer's ex-boyfriend.

He was voiced by Vincent Tong.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • Flash Sentry helps Twilight get up after she bumped into him when they first met.
  • Forgiving Twilight when she accidentally spills her drink on him.
  • Supporting Twilight during the Cafeteria Song.
  • Proving Twilight's innocence to prevent her from being kicked out from Fall Formal when Sunset Shimmer tried to frame her for destroying the gym.
  • Aside from Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity, Flash still sees Sunset as his friend despite everything she had done during Fall Formal.
  • Despite lashing out at Twilight when he was brainwashed by the Dazzlings, he still cared about her.
  • Despite sadly seeing Sci-Twi and Timber talking to each other, he was able to get over with his feelings towards Princess Twilight instead of being jealous.
  • Helping the Equestria Girls defeating JVJ-24601.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • Flash's heroic actions very largely consist of bog-standard kindness and forgiving others, which falls far below the baseline when the Humane Seven (even Sunset herself) managed to outclass him by a long shot, who have dealt with far more serious threats in the series. He only contributed to clearing Twilight Sparkle's name defeating the JVJ-24601, which still does not allow him to pass the standards to be even Near Pure Good.

External links[]


           My Little Pony franchise logo Heroic Benchmarks

Friendship is Magic
Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo) | Gallus | Trixie Lulamoon | Pharynx | Smolder

Equestria Girls
Rainbow Dash | Rarity | Spike the Dog | Flash Sentry

Make Your Mark
Queen Haven | Alphabittle Blossomforth | Sparky Sparkeroni

My Little Pony: The Movie: Queen Novo
My Little Pony: A New Generation: Queen Haven | Alphabittle Blossomforth

Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake
Flash Sentry | Fluttershy | Pinkie Pie | Rainbow Dash | Scootaloo
