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Eric Foreman is a major protagonist in medical drama House. He is a doctor who is a part of Gregory House's medical team. While he does share certain flaws with his boss such as arrogance, he is generally much less apathetic and abrasive than him.
His Good Ranking[]
His Heroic Deeds[]
- Pretends to be a homeless woman's husband and tells her he forgives her to give her peace in her final moments as she dies.
- Comforts a little girl who gets bullied about her weight.
- Decided to testify on the behalf of a death row inmate after deciding that he might not have been fully responsible for his actions.
- Refused to take Chase's place as Edward Vogler's snitch.
- Tried to stop House from giving Mark an injection against his will.
- Despite his initial hostility, he eventually tried to save Joe Luria's life.
- Comforts a dying Lupe after he misdiagnosed her.
- Consoled a couple after they discovered they were siblings.
- Convinced a romani patient to get treatment behind their parents' backs despite the risk to his medical license and job.
- Comforts House when he thinks he has cancer.
- Finds the source of Matty's infection and cures him.
- Performs a painful bone marrow transplant on Matty to save his brother's life. Although he saved Nick's life, Foreman was heavily disturbed with "torturing" Matty in order to do so.
- Went against protocol to save a patient at New York Mercy hospital.
- Sympathized with Wilson over Amber's death and encouraged him to do whatever made him happy.
- Tried to support Thirteen after learning she was dying.
- Comforts Thirteen when she tells him about her mother.
- After Thirteen calls him out, he feels remorse about his dismissive attitude towards Janice and convinces her to return to the clinical trials.
- Tried to comfort Kutner's parents after his suicide
- Tried to comfort Chase after Cameron divorced him when she learned he killed Dibala.
- Forgave his brother Marcus for his previous crimes when he stood up to House for him and offered to let him live with him and to help him try to find a job.
- Tries to comfort House after Hannah's death.
- Helped Taub prepare for a exam and let him move in.
- Encouraged House to support Cuddy during her cancer scare.
- Tried to cheer House up after Wilson refused treatment for his cancer by buying him tickets.
- Convinced Wilson not to end his friendship with House.
Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]
- He fails the admirable standards to Chase who has saved more patients and killed Dibala to prevent a genocide.
- He can have huge jerkish moments such as insulting a homeless woman and trying to hurry her out of the hospital or stealing Cameron's paper then coldly telling her they weren't friends after she tried to patch things up between them.
- He's done some morally questionable things such as infecting Cameron with a disease or covering up that Chase killed Dibala.
External Links[]
- Eric Foreman on the Heroes Wiki
- Eric Foreman on the Villains Wiki
- Eric Foreman on the House Wiki