Emperor Kuzco, simply known as Kuzco is the titular protagonist of The Emperor's New Groove franchise. He is the titular main protagonist of Disney's 40th full-length animated feature film, The Emperor's New Groove and its TV series follow-up, The Emperor's New School. He was also a supporting character in the 2005 direct-to-video spin-off, Kronk's New Groove.
He was voiced by David Spade in the films.
His Good Ranking[]
His Heroic Deeds[]
- Even before his redemption, he shows hospitable attitude towards Pacha.
- While he did fire Yzma, that's because she was sitting on his throne and was also ruling his country behind his back, so she wasn't very loyal to him even before he fired her.
- He congratulated Kronk from preventing food from burning.
- He saved Pacha from falling to his death twice.
- He apologizes to Pacha and Rudy for his prior terrible behavior.
- In Kronk's New Groove, he scolds people for failing to realize that Yzma cheats them.
Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]
- Despite redeeming himself, he fails the admirable standards to Pacha.
- Even after his redemption, he shows some arrogance.
- He's one of the protagonists, who fail the admirable standards of works they're in.
- Coincidentally, his main rival, Yzma, is a Villainous Benchmark.
- There is a deleted scene on the DVD release where Kuzco's bodyguards are practicing the destruction of Pacha's village to make way for Kuzco's pool. Had this scene been kept in, it would have caused people to view Kuzco as an full blown villain rather then anti-hero.
External Links[]
- Emperor Kuzco on the Heroes Wiki
- Emperor Kuzco on the Vilains Wiki
- Emperor Kuzco on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Emperor Kuzco on the Emperor's New Wiki
Heroic Benchmarks | ||
Animated Features Live-Action Features Animated Television Live-Action Television Shorts Fanon See Also |