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Elyun Grimwald also known in public as Eren is a member of Kaval's Party and minor supporting character in the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime series.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • She and her party help Fuze investigate the disappearance of Storm Dragon
  • When Shizu was possessed by Ifrit she and her party attempt to save and free their friend where Icile Lance help Rimuru fight the Salamanders
  • She and her party risked their lives to get through the blocked off roadways to reach Rimuru to tell him an way he can revive his dead friends after they were killed by Falmuth’s attack
  • When her father thought Rimuru did something bad to her she stopped him from unleashing a destructive spell and clear things up which ultimately lead to Tempest and Thalian being allied.
  • In the ISEAKI Chronicles spin-off game she and her party help destroys Angelus' lab to prevent them from developing more dangerous Angel related golems that would do harm.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out[]

  • While passes the baseline for her role in helping Rimuru Tempest a lot especially her role in him becoming an Demon Lord to revive his fallen citizens, she massively fails the series high admirable standards, as it may be extremely unfair to compare her to Rimuru Tempest and his subordinates (ex. Benimaru, Shion, Diablo, and etc) who way higher resources than her in the form of access to more powerful abilities and armies at their disposal, she fails to Youm (Prior to him being an King of a Kingdom) who were able to do more than her and her party with similar or slightly a bit more resources to her.
  • She has some jerkish moments as she buttheads with her party members though to be fair it is due to their incompetence of provoking stronger creatures that get them into trouble which resource them to be saved or her disliking Fuze’s harsh treatment to her and her party as a running gag which is a minor prevention.


  • As the Light Novels are ongoing there is a chance she might do more Admirable acts, however due to her being a minor character and been sidelined lately, it is unlikely she will be Inconsistently Admirable or Near Pure good due to the series very high admirable standards.

External Links[]
