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I'm going to keep you alive- keep all of us alive - and hope that that's enough... Enough for atonement.
~ David to Javi, if he's alive by the end of the game. (determinant)
You know what Pa told me... the day Gabe was born? 'It takes everything... to raise a child, mijo. And I don't mean money or time or patience. I mean... everything.' When you give everything, it's hard to know what to do when you... lose everything. Gabe... Take care of him, Javi. You have to take care of each other, please. My little boy... Te quiero, Gabriel. Te quiero, Mariana. Te quiero, Javier.
~ David's final words to Javi. (determinant)

David García is a main character in The Walking Dead: A New Frontier, the third season of the episodic graphic adventure video game series developed by Telltale Games, based on the popular comic book series "The Walking Dead" by Robert Kirkman.

He is the older brother of Javi García and the founder of The New Frontier, a large militaristic community. Before the zombie outbreak, he served as a Staff Sergeant in the United States Army, but retired after settling down with his wife Kate and having two children, Gabe and Mariana. Separated from his family during the outbreak, David was presumed dead for many years, before his eventual reunion with them.

He was voiced by Alex Hernandez, who also portrayed Lincoln Clay in Mafia III.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • Before the events of the story, he was a Sergeant in the military who fought to protect his country and who valued family above everything else.
  • In the game’s prologue, after he punched Javi for being late and missing their father’s passing, he apologized and helped him off the ground, before handing him a beer, exclaiming that he loves him and always will.
  • After their mom and uncle got bit by their reanimated father, David attempted to drive them to the hospital. It’s later confirmed he was unsuccessful in getting them help, but made sure to put them down before they could reanimate.
  • After being separated from his family, he became a member of the New Frontier and quickly rose to rank of General, believing their community could provide hope and salvation to other survivors in the midst of the outbreak.
  • When Javi, Gabe, Kate and others arrived at the entrance of Richmond, David was overjoyed to see them, believing them to be long dead.
  • When he notices Kate’s been severely wounded due to a gunshot, he doesn’t hesitate to bring her and Gabe inside to seek medical attention.
  • While he had the others locked up, he claimed it was for their and everyone else’s safety, and that it was standard protocol to quarantine any new arrivals.
  • After Javi informed him about his daughter Marianna’s death at the hands of one of his soldiers, Badger, he was saddened and felt tremendous guilt. He told Javi to keep it a secret for now and that he’ll make sure Badger sees justice when he informs his fellow leaders, Joan and Clint about it.
  • After Javi and his friends were unfairly exiled from Richmond, David had Ava give them supplies and told Javi that he’ll work something out to get them back in.
  • In a flashback, when Clementine was caught stealing medicine for a sick AJ, David felt betrayed that Clementine would put herself before the others in the group. When Clementine retorted, saying that they were willing to let a little kid die, David argues that they tried everything and that Clem should leave AJ with them so he could die a peaceful death.
  • After taking AJ, David offered Clem a chance to say her final goodbyes and felt sorry for having to exile her.
  • In the present, David, Javi, and their friends found Badger, Max, and their crew hoarding supplies stolen from other nearby communities in an abandoned warehouse and ambushed them, and David was able to get Max to confess to their crimes.
  • If Javi chooses to spare Max, David abides, knocking him unconscious instead and thanking Javi for making the right decision.
  • After being imprisoned by Joan for exposing her corruption and involvement in the raids, David tries to talk her out of it and convince her that what she was doing was wrong.
  • When Joan threatened to kill Ava, David pleaded for her life, despite being nearly hung, stating she was one of them and didn’t deserve to die.
  • In one ending, David is bitten while trying to protect Gabe, and has a sympathetic death where he reminisces about his father with Javi, before being put down.
  • If left alive by the end of the game, David will either leave Javi and his family, too ashamed of what he’s done to face them anymore, leaving his fate unknown, or he will return to Richmond, still looking to atone, in addition to making the New Frontier better than it ever was.
  • He reveals to Clementine that after AJ in fact survived his illness, he had Dr Lingard send him to a place called McCarroll Ranch, where he would be looked after and protected.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails to meet the admirable standards of The Walking Dead franchise, since self-sacrifice and protecting people are done by other characters, not helped that he has some really high resources due to being a former leader of the New Frontier.
  • He’s very lethal, since he can determinantly kill Max, Lonnie, and Clint. And if he does, he shows no remorse and will even attempt to justify doing so. He also shot and killed a sickly Rufus with no hesitation or remorse, called for Joan’s death during his failed execution, and attempted to kill Javi for either having feelings for Kate, or out of frustration for Kate having feelings for Javi.
  • He’s wrathful and hot-headed, losing his temper very easily:
    • He punched Javi for showing up late to their father's death bed.
    • He disarmed Fern by breaking her arm after Javi had already talked her down.
    • He fights Javi multiple times when they don’t see eye-to-eye.
    • He’s implied to have been an abusive husband to Kate, and lashed out at her for not doing chores exactly how he wanted them done. He also got upset with her for accidentally destroying the glass his superior gave him during his service. While it was understandable he was upset, he still took it out on her and then Javi if he intervenes.
  • While he was happy to be reunited with his family and felt guilt for abandoning them, it doesn’t change the fact he did leave them and never attempted to find them or ensure they were alive and well.
  • Although he didn’t know about it at the time, he’s still in-part responsible for the New Frontier’s raids on local communities and thus, all of the deaths and destruction that happened as a result.

External Links[]


            WalkingDead Heroic Benchmarks

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
Lori Grimes | Morgan Jones | Allen | Sophia Peletier | Donna | Axel | Billy Greene | Arnold Greene | Shawn Greene | Otis | Mike | Rosita Espinosa | Gabriel Stokes | Eric | Scott | Tobin | Bruce | Douglas Monroe | Olivia | Nicholas | Paula | Holly | Vincent | John | Annie | Siddiq | Yumiko | Kelly | Connie | Darius | Kal | Eduardo | Harlan Carson | Brianna | Earl Sutton | Samuel | Alex | Oscar | Ken | Marco | Louie | Doug | Lydia | Carson | Laura | Shiva | Richard | William | Juanita Sanchez | George | Rufus | Elodie Hawthorne | Jeffrey Grimes | Claudia
Bobby Marsh | Nick Parsons | Scott Moon | Megan Lafferty | Stevie | Taggert | Swede | Broyles | Wes "Gus" Strunk | Calvin Deets | Hap Abernathy | Matthew Hennesey | Speed Wilkins | Gloria Pyne
Telltale Series
Glenn | Mark | Ben Paul | Molly | Peter Randall | Alvin | Samantha Fairbanks| Tennessee| Mitch | Aasim | Ruby | Willy | Omar | Rosie |

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Shane Walsh | Otis | Bob Stookey | Mika Samuels | Noah | Deanna Monroe| Judith Grimes
