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Danny Brackett is a supporting character of the Scream franchise, serving a supporting character in Scream VI. He was portrayed by Josh Segarra.
His Good Ranking[]
His Heroic Deeds[]
- When he saw Ghostface standing behind Quinn, he tried to distract Ghostface to stop him from killing her (unaware she had nothing to fear).
- When Sam, Mindy, and Anika were trapped by Ghostface inside their bedroom and the only other way out was the window, he got out a ladder allowing them to cross to his room. This saved Sam and Mindy's lives and almost saved Anika's life.
- He told Sam that she shouldn’t trust anyone, not even him.
- Unlike even other admirable characters in the franchise, he is a genuinely good person who lacks any notable corrupting traits.
Why He Doesn’t Stand Out[]
- He massively fails the admirable standards to Sam Carpenter, Gale Weathers, Tara Carpenter, Sidney Prescott, and Dewey Riley.
External Links[]
- Danny Brackett on the Heroes Wiki
- Danny Brackett on the Scream Wiki