Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Cordelia Chase is a major character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the spinoff Angel. She was the leader of the mean popular girls at Sunnydale High, becoming a rival of Buffy's before eventually becoming a reluctant ally of hers in the fight against evil. After moving to LA she gets hired by the ensouled vampire Angel, becoming a loyal friend to him before they fall in love.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

  • Discover Angel's secret and accept him as vampire with a soul.
  • Saved Mrs. Miller from being suffocated by Marcie.
  • Saved Willow and Jenny Calendar from vampires.
  • Gives Buffy advice when she alienates her friends after being killed by The Master.
  • Offered to help Giles when Eyghon the demon returned.
  • When she thought Xander had turned into a fish she tried to comfort him and assure him she still cared for him.
  • Emotionally supported Xander after Angelus' vampires had hospitalized Willow.
  • Assisted Willow in the spell to restore Angel's soul.
  • Defended Buffy when her friends were mad at her after she left town after having to kill Angel.
  • Saved Buffy and Willow from being burnt at the stake.
  • Came to Buffy's defence when she lost her powers.
  • Took part in the battle against the Mayor to stop the ascension.
  • Came to Angel's aid when he was being tortured by Marcus.
  • Comforted Doyle after he was almost killed by his ex wife's fiancé and his family.
  • Tried to talk Angel out of it when she mistakenly believed he planned to end his own life.
  • Assisted Doyle and Angel in protecting the lister clan from the scourge.
  • Saved Wesley's life from Barney.
  • Comforted Angel after Penn came back, assuring him he really had changed from who he was as Angelus.
  • Accept Angel have his inner beast Angelus.
  • Helped save Jhiera's people from the vigorie.
  • Tried to get Angel to open up about his grief over Doyle's death so she could support him.
  • Emotionally supported the Anderson family during their ordeal with Ryan.
  • Helped to rescue Angel and several other demons from an underground fighting ring.
  • Found information on Vanessa Brewer which allowed Angel and Lindsey McDonald to save the children she planned to kill from from her.
  • Tried to make Angel start wanting things out of concern for him after Wesley misinterpreted the Shanshu Prophecy to mean he was going to die and Angel showed no reaction.
  • Comforted Angel after he was tricked into killing a heroic demon.
  • Helped Angel destroy the Thesualuc demon he knew in the fifties.
  • Saved Veronica after she was attacked by Deevak's minions.
  • Tried to help Gunn and talk him out of his self-destructive tendencies.
  • Convinced Angel to offer to pay Gunn.
  • Tried to save Bethany Chaulk from being kidnapped by Wolfram and Hart.
  • Helped kill the thrall demons and stop them from hypnotising humans into hurting each other.
  • Refused to help Kate Lockley when she wanted to arrest Angel.
  • Risked her life by going to the Wolfram and Hart building to stop Angel from getting himself killed.
  • Tried to rescue Wesley after he was kidnapped by Magnus Bryce.
  • Helped stop Magnus from killing his daughter Virginia.
  • Forced Angel to help a suicidal man she saw in her vision when he wanted to ignore him to focus on Darla.
  • Comfortes Wesley after he's shot.
  • Spared Harmony after her betrayal.
  • Ended Slavery in Pylea.
  • Helped Lorne regain his body after he was decapitated
  • Comforted Angel over Buffy's death.
  • Attempted to be supportive of Darla when she was pregnant.
  • Help Angel rasing Connor after Connor's birth. She solemnly to be Connor's surrogate mom.
  • Decided to keep her visions after being shown that Angel would have went insane if she didn't even though it also would have given her life of fame.
  • Tried to explain to Connor how not all demons were bad and to comfort him.
  • Help Angel regain his self confidence. She gives Angel a vision of Circle of the Black Thorn and take down Wolfram&Hart inside.
  • Consoled Wesley over Lilah's death.
  • Always watching over and stand by side Angel, her friends and Connor.

Why She Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • Fails the admirable standards to Xander who saved the world with less resources.
  • She was a big jerk to Buffy and all of her friends, bullying them, insulting them and often showing them very little appreciation when they saved her life.
  • Jealous of Angel have son Connor with his first love Darla. Punished Connor for being Angel and Darla's biological son before he was born.
  • Encouraged Angel to murder Holtz and torture Eve.

External Links[]
