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Yeah, time to rock n' roll!
~ Charmy before he and the rest of Team Chaotix fight Team Rose.

Charmy Bee is a supporting character in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. He is an excitable young bee who is a member of the detective group Team Chaotix, alongside Vector the Crocodile and Espio the Chameleon, helping them solve mysteries and protect Earth from evil.

He is voiced by Emily Corkery (2004), Amy Birnbaum (2005-2010), and Colleen O'Shaughnessy (2010-present) in the English version, and by Yoko Teppozuka in the Japanese version.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

In General[]

  • Alongside Vector the Crocodile and Espio the Chameleon, he solves mysteries and helps people as part of the Chaotix.
  • Despite being a child, he has a clear sense of moral agency as he calls Eggman a "bad man".
  • While he was shown to have a violent streak in Sonic Heroes, with him repeatedly stinging Eggman and chasing him down for not paying him, Vector and Espio, he seems to have dropped this trait in later installments.
  • While he is known to have been mischievous at time, he never intends to cause harm.


  • He helped the Chaotix, Knuckles and Mighty liberate the Newtrogic High Zone from Dr. Eggman and Metal Sonic.
  • While he and the Chaotix initially butted heads with Team Dark and Team Rose during their first meetings, they would eventually team up and become friends.
  • He helped Team Dark and Team Rose distract Neo Metal Sonic long enough for Team Sonic to power up with the Chaos Emeralds and defeat him, saving the world as a result.
  • He helps the Chaotix and Shadow the Hedgehog progress through Prison Island while the Black Arms are attacking.
  • While he and the Chaotix are trying to hack into a computer on the ARK, he hits the computer with his stinger, causing it to broadcast Professor Gerald Robotnik's secret last message to Shadow the Hedgehog across the world. Not only does this message reinvigorate Shadow while Black Doom is mentally torturing him, it also reveals to him that the Eclipse Cannon on the ARK was specifically designed to destroy the Black Comet, allowing him to enact this plan and therefore save the world from Black Doom the rest of the Black Arms, as well as posthumously mending Gerald's reputation in G.U.N.'s eyes and dissuading them from trying to arrest Shadow.
  • He and Sonic's friends cheered on Sonic and Classic Sonic while they were down, allowing them to both transform into Super Sonic and defeat the both Eggmans and the Time Eater.
  • When Eggman and Infinite conquered the world, he joined the Resistance and helped them overthrow the Eggman Empire.


  • He and the Chaotix found an amnesiac Eggman in Windmill Village, where he had now taken up the identity of the philanthropic inventor Mr. Tinker, but decided to leave him be, seeing how much joy he was bringing to the community, even stopping a Flapper from reaching him.
  • He helped Sonic and his friends save Angel Island from Neo Metal Sonic, even saving Sonic from falling to his death during the battle.
  • When Doctor Starline and Metal Sonic restored Eggman's memories and spread the Metal Virus across the world, he and the rest of the Chaotix helped save several people in Seaside City from being infected and becoming Zombots.
  • Upon seeing how few people were safe from the Metal Virus, he flew back into Seaside City to save an infected civilian that Vector had reluctantly left behind. Unfortunately, the civilian had become a Zombot by then and Charmy was in turn infected by a horde of Zombots.
  • After being reverted back to normal, he helped the Chaotix defeat Zavok and the Deadly Six and later search for people who had gone missing during the pandemic.
  • He helped Sonic's friends fight Eggman when he attacked their victory celebration at Spiral Hill Village.
  • He helped the Chaotix save Belle the Tinkerer from Doctor Starline and tried to chase him down alongside Espio.
  • He and the rest of the Chaotix investigated Surge and Kit's disturbance of Central City and stopped Clutch the Opposum, Rough and Tumble's robotic parts smuggling operation.
  • He helped Silver the Hedgehog maintain his garden.
  • He and the rest of the Chaotix, alongside Sonic and Tails, stopped a group of bullies from stealing candy from other children.
  • He helped Knuckles and the Chaotix reclaim an echidna relic that was stolen by the Babylon Rogues.
  • He and the Chaotix rushed to Vanilla and Cream's aid upon seeing that Rough and Tumble had attacked them, only to back down upon discovering that Vanilla had the situation under control.
  • He and the rest of the Chaotix sneaked aboard the Restoration airship to investigate Clean Sweep Inc. and retrieved a hard drive of intel containing plenty of criminal evidence.
  • After Clutch discovered them, Charmy received the hard drive from Vector and relayed it over to Nite the Owl despite being chased by Clutch, allowing Nite to expose Clean Sweep Inc. as the polluting criminals they truly are.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He completely fails the admirable standard as a result of most of his heroics being done more as part of the Chaotix as a whole and not doing anything unique to stand out. Even his most unique and admirable act of helping Shadow save the world was mostly accidental as Charmy didn't know that hitting the computer would broadcast Gerald's message.
  • He fails the high admirable standards to Cream, who was essential in saving the world from the Metal Virus and stopping Whisper from killing Eggman.
  • As a result of his immaturity, he can be quite reckless at times to the detriment of himself and others, as can be seen when his attempt to rescue a civilian from the Zombots resulted in him becoming a Zombot as well.

External Links[]


            Sonic the Hedgehog logo Heroic Benchmarks

Team Dark
Rouge the Bat

Team Rose
Big the Cat

Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile

Babylon Rogues
Jet the Hawk | Wave the Swallow

E-102 Gamma | Professor Gerald Robotnik

Sonic Prime
Knuckles the Dread | Black Rose

Paramount Films
Longclaw | Wade Whipple
