“ | ♪I love you, you love me.♪ | „ |
~ Barney |
Love Exalted heroic benchmarks are characters who are purposely written to be loved by audiences to the point where even the creators/actors can end up liking them because of how likeable their personalities are.
Given that many heroic benchmarks are often bog-standard nice guys, many heroic benchmarks end up becoming love exalted due to how likeable their personalities are.
Seriously Good characters can almost never qualify to be considered Love Exalted as they're often too serious to be enjoyed by audiences. They can qualify, however, if they have as many serious moments as they do moments where people want to be around them. Those include:
- Heroes who are designed to be adored by the audience, but come across as serious.
- Heroes who disguise their playful persona behind their serious nature.
- Heroes who are initially serious but become lighthearted later on.
- Heroes who have multiple identities with one of them being serious and the other being loveable.
- Heroes who are serious in one role, but pleasant to be around in another role.
NOTE: Do not add characters that were originally written to be loved by the creators but ended up having most of their likable qualities subverted.
Longclaw -
Yoshi (Super Mario) -
Stuart (Despicable Me) -
Margo Gru -
Ice Climbers -
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club) -
E-102 Gamma -
Viper (Kung Fu Panda)
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