Heroic Benchmark Wiki
Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Heroic Benchmarks who are not only too standard but are also very inconsistent in their heroism. in other words, this category is meant for Heroic Benchmarks who would have been Inconsistently Admirable if they were admirable enough. Generally, these Heroic Benchmarks have following kinds:

It is also worth noting that no hero in this category has the potential to be Near Pure Good (much less) Pure Good, as all of these heroes have too many preventions to qualify as such.

Fallen heroes can also count as long as they already display corrupting qualities that prevent them from being NPG or if at least are willing to corrupt themselves (eg. Queen Bee, Dooku, M.K., Harumi, Cady Heron, New Era Bi-Han, Tyler Down), and Commander Fox).

They are the heroic counterparts to Flawed-Embraced Villainous Benchmarks, and are the polar opposites of Completely Good heroes (Though heroes that fall into that category can still be Flawed-Embraced as long as they suffer from too much insufficient characterization, moral agency issues, and/or severe incompetence to be PG or NPG).

Plus, any act of adding any of these heroes to the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki without proposing/discussing them as IA beforehand will result in you getting blocked temporarily by the admins, so please do not add any of these heroes to the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki unless they get properly approved to be IA. Continuing to violate this rule will result in consequences.

All Categories That Should Go Under Flawed-Embraced By Default[]

All items (221)
