Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Boromir was a soldier of Gondor, a member of the Fellowship of the Ring and a supporting character in J.R.R Tolkien's novel, The Lord of the Rings and Peter Jackson's film trilogy of the same name.

He was once the captain of the guard of Minas Tirith. He was the son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor and the older brother of Faramir, captain of the Ithilien Rangers. Like his father, he is "cursed" with Isildur's greed and is obsessed with the Ring. He believes that with the Ring in Gondor's possession, they could win the war against Sauron. He joins the fellowship so he could take the ring from Frodo and return it to Gondor, but becomes attached to his comrades. After failing to obtain it, he becomes guilty and pays for it. In a battle against Saruman's Uruk-Hai, he is pierced by three arrows and dies. He never believed that Aragorn was destined to be king but after Aragorn promised him that he will protect Gondor in his stead, Boromir learned to accept him. His primary weapons are a shield and sword and he carries a horn and blows it whenever he is in danger.

He was portrayed by Sean Bean.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • He does everything he can to be worthy of his father's pride and protect Gondor from the threat of Mordor.
  • He is a brave warrior who constantly defends his state from enemies.
  • He loves his brother Faramir very much and is clearly embarrassed by his father's behavior towards him.
  • He goes to Rivendell because he learns that something important will happen there.
  • Although he wants to take the Ring of Sauron to Gondor, he plans to use it against his enemies.
  • He joins the Fellowship of the Ring and shows a desire to protect Frodo and the others from danger.
  • He protects Merry and Pippin from the orcs at the cost of his life.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the admirable standards too much to other characters to be Near Pure Good. His undeniably brave actions in the past are mostly done under his father's orders and all he does himself isn't admirable enough. Overall, while he's undeniably a brave warrior and a good person, due to his early death, he lacks a lasting effect or significant actions to stand out.
  • He may be irreasonable. For example, even when it became clear that the Ring of Sauron needed to be destroyed, he still wanted to take it to Gondor, although he knew perfectly well that he was wrong.
  • He fell under the power of the Ring and tried to take it from Frodo by force. Although he repented of his actions and asked Frodo for forgiveness, and also atoned for his guilt by trying to save Merry and Pippin, this is still far too much as a prevention.


  • He's the first LOTR character and the currently only member of the Fellowship of The Ring to be a Heroic Benchmark.
  • He was proposed as Near Pure Good, but was rejected due to failing the admirable standards too much to other characters.
  • In the book, Boromir is killed by Uglúk, whilst in the movie he is killed by Lurtz.

External Links[]
