Heroic Benchmark Wiki

I do not believe this! I wasted all this time in a class without grades? Aohhhhh! If only there were some other kind of outlet for me to express these feelings to my like-minded peer group! ...Pardon me! I want to try something!
~ Baljeet's rage over his fears being for naught in "The Baljeatles"

Baljeet Tjinder is a major character in the Disney Channel TV show, Phineas and Ferb. He is good friends with Phineas and Ferb. He is sometimes with Buford, and Phineas and Ferb help him out.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • Helps Phineas and Ferb in their projects and usually saves them and his other friends in dangerous situations.
  • Although Buford is his bully, he has a good frienship with him and cares a lot for him.
  • He is in love with Misty Patel and despite his insecurities he is always a good person with her.
  • He accompanies Phineas and Ferb to Mars to save Candace.
  • He saved the world in several occasions such as in "Mission Marvel" and in "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer".

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • He fails the admirable standards to many of the main protagonists, such as Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Candace. Although is unfair to compare him with Perry the Platypus or Heinz Doofenshmirtz due to having more resources. The first four have similar resources.
  • Although it is due to moral agency issues, he has endangered many people in some occasions such as in "Cranius Maximus", when he attemps to take the Earth's atmosphere and place it on the moon, and in "Mission Marvel", when after gaining The Hulk's powers he goes on a rampage throughout the city.
  • He can be arrogant or incompetent at times.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Disney Animated Canon
Prince Charming | Bagheera | Copper | King Triton | Mrs. Potts | Abu | Rafiki | Zazu | Jane Porter | Emperor Kuzco | John Silver | Pluto | Prince Naveen | Benjamin Clawhauser

Mr. Potato Head | Princess Atta | Mirage | Guido | Big Baby | Rod Redline | Anxiety | Envy | Ennui

Jessica Rabbit

Live-Action Features
Marvel Studios
May Parker | T'Chaka | Wong | Okoye | Christine Palmer

C-3PO | Admiral Ackbar

Animated Television
Phineas and Ferb
Baljeet Tjinder

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Commander Cody | C-3PO

DuckTales (2017)
Violet Saberwing | May and June

101 Dalmatian Street

Lady Olivia

Marvel Studios

See Also
20th Century Studios Heroic Benchmarks | Blue Sky Heroic Benchmarks | Encanto Heroic Benchmarks | Ice Age Heroic Benchmarks | Marvel Cinematic Universe Heroic Benchmarks | Pixar Heroic Benchmarks | Star Wars Heroic Benchmarks
