Heroic Benchmark Wiki

The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
~ Narrator, Super Metroid
The baby...
~ Samus Aran, Metroid: Other M
Pondering this fact, I realize... I owe the Metroid hatchling my life twice over.
~ Samus, Metroid Fusion

The Baby Metroid is one of the deuteragonists who appeared in Metroid II: Return of Samus as well as its remake, Metroid: Samus Returns and reappears in Super Metroid. It is the only Metroid to be friendly around humans.

Its Good Ranking[]

Its Heroic Deeds[]

  • The Baby Metroid is one of the only Metroids in existence to be very docile around humans, especially Samus the moment it met her after hatching.
  • It is very protective of Samus, whom it views as its mother, and it joins her after an incident at SR388.
  • When it realized that it was attacking Samus, it stops itself and floats away in shame for what it did.
  • When Samus was at Mother Brain's mercy, the baby attacks and drains the latter of energy and restores Samus's energy before it was killed.
  • In Metroid Fusion, the baby had a posthumous moment where its DNA was used by the scientists to be injected into an infected Samus to rid her of the X-Parasites, rendering her immune to the deadly organisms.

Why It Doesn't Stand Out[]

  • Baby Metroid fails Metroid's high admirable standards to various allies of Samus who have contributed more to the cause.
  • It primarily acts on predatorial instinct, which strongly suggests that it has moral agency issues.
  • It has been shown to be very lethal towards its foes and doesn't hesitate to kill them without a second thought.

External Links[]


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Baby Metroid

Ice Climber
Ice Climbers (Popo | Nana)

Adeleine | Taranza

Game & Watch
Mr. Game & Watch


Jasmine (Pokémon) Fanon
Melody Rose

See Also
Super Mario Bros. Heroic Benchmarks | The Legend of Zelda Heroic Benchmarks
