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Look at those guns. We start shooting and people are gonna die, on both sides.
~ Alvin to Rebecca.
You take care of my girls. I get the feeling it's gonna be a girl... Just a hunch. Go on.
~ Alvin to Clementine (determinant).

Alvin is a major character in Telltale Games' The Walking Dead: Season Two. He was a member of the Cabin Group and Rebecca's husband and the father or stepfather of Alvin Jr.

He was voiced by Dorian Lockett.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • When Pete brings Clementine to the group, Alvin acts as a voice of reason by calming Rebecca and Nick down. He becomes sympathetic towards Clementine when she shows the group her bite wound and starts to suggest that they could spare some supplies before Rebecca silences him.
  • If Clementine convinces him, Alvin can help Clementine by bringing her some bandages and a juice box.
  • During the walker attack on the lodge. Alvin remains inside to protect Rebecca.
  • When Alvin notably discovers Rebecca's affair with Carver after the latter calls out to Rebecca, suggesting that the baby belongs to him. Alvin looks upset and disappointed, but nonetheless stays by his wife's side, and later affirms that he still considers Rebecca's baby his and protects the two until his death.
  • Convinces Rebecca to surrender to prevent Carver killing Carlos.
  • If Clementine chooses to find the others Alvin will help her escape before revealing himself to Carver.
  • (If he is alive in the third episode) Tells Clementine to leave him, saying that there is no way he will be able to escape the compound in his current condition as he is beaten to near death by Carver. Just before Clementine leaves, Alvin tells her to look after his girls, saying he thinks Rebecca's baby will be a girl. After that, Hank, one of Carver's men, bursts into the office and shoots Alvin in the chest, however, Alvin uses one last ounce of strength and uses Carver's spare gun to shoot and kill Hank, shortly dying afterwards and buying time to make Clementine escape.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out?[]

  • His actions ultimately fail the general admirable standards of the game series, and to other characters such as Peter Randall. Also, his most admirable act is dependent upon player's choice.

External Links[]


            WalkingDead Heroic Benchmarks

Comic Universe
The Walking Dead
Lori Grimes | Morgan Jones | Allen | Sophia Peletier | Donna | Axel | Billy Greene | Arnold Greene | Shawn Greene | Otis | Mike | Rosita Espinosa | Gabriel Stokes | Eric | Scott | Tobin | Bruce | Douglas Monroe | Olivia | Nicholas | Paula | Holly | Vincent | John | Annie | Siddiq | Yumiko | Kelly | Connie | Darius | Kal | Eduardo | Harlan Carson | Brianna | Earl Sutton | Samuel | Alex | Oscar | Ken | Marco | Louie | Doug | Lydia | Carson | Laura | Shiva | Richard | William | Juanita Sanchez | George | Rufus | Elodie Hawthorne | Jeffrey Grimes | Claudia
Bobby Marsh | Nick Parsons | Scott Moon | Megan Lafferty | Stevie | Taggert | Swede | Broyles | Wes "Gus" Strunk | Calvin Deets | Hap Abernathy | Matthew Hennesey | Speed Wilkins | Gloria Pyne
Telltale Series
Glenn | Mark | Ben Paul | Molly | Peter Randall | Alvin | Samantha Fairbanks| Tennessee| Mitch | Aasim | Ruby | Willy | Omar | Rosie |

Television Universe
The Walking Dead
Shane Walsh | Otis | Bob Stookey | Mika Samuels | Noah | Deanna Monroe| Judith Grimes
