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Corey! Corey, watch out! Corey! Corey! Stop. Talk to me. What? I didn’t know what was happening in there. I was just trying to help you to just- Corey, I know! Okay? I know what it’s like to have everybody looking at you, thinking that they know you, thinking they know what you’ve been through, but they don’t. But when I look at you- When I saw you the other day, I just saw a person. Just a person just trying to figure it the fuck out. Trying to wake up every day not scared and alone. What are you talking about?
~ Allyson Nelson talking to Corey Cunningham telling him she doesn’t sue him as a psycho babysitter.

Allyson Nelson is major protagonist in the 2018 horror movie Halloween and its sequel Halloween Kills and its third film Halloween Ends. She is the daughter of Karen Nelson and Ray Nelson, Laurie Strode’s granddaughter and is also the girlfriend of Corey Cunningham.

She was portrayed by Andi Matichak.

Her Good Ranking[]

Her Heroic Deeds[]

Halloween (2018 Film)[]

  • She defended her boyfriend Cameron when her father Ray mentioned that Cameron’s father Loonie Elam was a troublemaker.
  • She told her grandmother to forget about the past and to forget about Michael Myers in order for her to be at peace.
  • When Laurie was yelled at by Karen at the restaurant she went outside and comforted her distressed grandmother.
  • In a deleted scene she forgave Cameron earlier in the film after he threw her phone in nacho cheese at the high school Halloween dance party, it is unknown if the deleted scene is cannon or not due to Cameron telling Oscar to take Allyson home.
  • She seemed very affectionate about Oscar calling her the prettiest and coolest girl.
  • When she heard Oscar screaming, she ran back to her friend.
  • She seemed genuinely horrified at the sight of Dr. Ranbir Sartain stabbing Deputy Frank Hawkins in the neck.
  • She slashed Michael’s hand with the kitchen knife Laurie used in him to save her mother Karen.

Halloween Kills[]

  • She stayed with her grandmother when she was asleep in the hospital after getting medical treatment despite eventually leaving her.
  • She hugged and forgave Cameron Elam when he arrived at the hospital.
  • She went against her mother's orders and when to hunt down and kill Michael Myers with Tommy Doyle, Cameron Elam, Loonie Elam, Nurse Marion Chambers, Lindsey Wallace, and Vanessa and Marcus Wilson.
  • She found and injured but still alive Lindsey Wallace.
  • She and Cameron went into the Myers old house to Help Lonnie unaware he’s already dead.
  • She tried to shoot at Michael with a rifle but missed then stabbed him while trying to save Cameron.
  • She tried to use herself as bait to Michael so he wouldn’t kill Cameron only for Michael to kill Cameron and go after her next.

Halloween Ends[]

  • She eventually stared to have feelings for Corey Cunningham due to them both having a traumatic experience.
  • She fixed Corey injured hand.
  • She defended Corey when her coworker Deb made fun of him.
  • She followed Corey when he was leaving Lindsey Wallace’s bar to try and get him to stay.
  • She forgave Corey for what happened at the party.
  • She politely asked her ex-boyfriend Doug to leave.
  • She asked Corey if he wanted to stay the night with her in her room at hers and her grandmother house.
  • She stopped Corey from getting into a fight with WURG Radio DJ Sean “Willy The Kid” Schrider knowing that he’s a trash talker.
  • She saved her grandmother from Michael Myers.

Why She Doesn’t Stand Out?[]

  • She fails the admirable standards to Laurie who permanently killed Michael and ended his reign of terror in Haddonfield.
  • She can come off as rude sometimes such as calling Oscar a dumbass when the motion lights went on as well as sticking the middle finger up which is to curotting to be NPG.

External Links[]


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Animated Features
Buster Moon | Agnes Gru | Edith Gru | Margo Gru | Mr. Shark | Mr. Piranha | Ms. Tarantula

Live-Action Features
Ian Malcolm | Maisie Lockwood | Allyson Nelson | Ronald Prevo

See Also
DreamWorks Heroic Benchmarks | Warner Bros. Heroic Benchmarks | Jurassic Park Heroic Benchmarks
