Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (died 27, July 1997) is a major character in the Harry Potter series. In the films, he was portrayed by Brendan Gleeson.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • He arrested numerous criminals including Death Eaters.Half of Azkaban's criminals were arrested by him.
  • He successfully brings Harry Potter to Sirius's home.
  • He partakes in The Ministry Battle and in the Seven Potters Operation.

Why Doesn't He Stand Out[]

  • While he hardly can be called bog-standard, as he has numerous heroic deeds, most of them happen offscreen and, accordingly, rely on Fridge Brilliance that is debatably relevant to the plot. Without that, he fails the admirable standards too much to other characters.
  • He can be a jerk at times.
           HarryPotter Heroic Benchmarks

Dumbledore's Army
Cho Chang | Dean Thomas | Fred Weasley | George Weasley | Ginny Weasley | Lee Jordan | Seamus Finnigan

Order of the Phoenix
Alastor Moody | Arthur Weasley | Bill Weasley | Fleur Delacour | James Potter | Kingsley Shacklebolt | Minerva McGonagall | Molly Weasley | Nymphadora Tonks | Remus Lupin | Rubeus Hagrid | Sirius Black

Hogwarts Staff
Minerva McGonagall | Filius Flitwick | Pomona Sprout | Horace Slughorn | Remus Lupin | Rubeus Hagrid | Sybill Trelawney

Other Wizards & Witches
Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Oliver Wood | Percy Weasley | Viktor Krum

Animals & Creatures
Buckbeak | Grawp | Hedwig | Kreacher
