Heroic Benchmark Wiki

Arnold Jasper "AJ" Gadgets is one of the protagonists of the TV series Hero Elementary. He is a member of the Sparks' Crew, whose power is the ability to create Though Projections to help solve problems with his team, as well as being able to invent various gadgets that the team can use to their advantage. He is also revealed to be autistic.

He is voiced by Jadiel Dowlin.

His Good Ranking[]

His Heroic Deeds[]

  • He frequently carries along his backpack on missions, which in addition to doubling as a jetpack, carries numerous gadgets that he invented so that his team can use them to make problem solving easier. However, at times these gadgets do backfire.
  • Despite being Autistic, he doesn't let the disorder get in the way of being a hero.
  • In Track the Pack, he motivated his best friend Lucita Sky to face her fears and rescue his backpack before it fell over a waterfall.
  • In the two part episode AJ's Extra Superpower, he uses his autism to track down the real Jetman Jones amongst numerous cosplayers at a convention in order to return an envelope containing a 1st edition Comic Book to him and swap it out for one containing an embarrassing photo of him as a baby. In doing so, he not only saved the highlight of the convention, but also his reputation.

Why He Doesn't Stand Out[]

  • Although more admirable than Benny Bubbles or Sara Snap, he fails the admirable standard to his best friend Lucita as she performed more admirable acts than he did.
  • Because his backpack is a seemingly endless rabbit-hole full of gadgets he made, he has an unusually higher amount of resources at his disposal compared to his teammates.
  • On several occasions, his gadgets either malfunction or don't work in the way he intended them for, often times leading to disastrous results; this makes him too incompetent to be Pure Good.
  • He has some jerkish moments at times, though it is often triggered by his Autism.

External Links[]
